Forum Access Details
Halcrow Pensioners' Forum
If you want to go directly to the forum then click here. If you want to know how the forum works then read on.
The forum currently provides three levels of access: (i) some sections that are visible for anyone to read without registering; (ii) some additional sections that are available for any registered forum members to read and post to; and (iii) some further sections that are only accessible to forum members who have also paid an HPA subscription.
Use the forum to discuss any issues of common interest. Before you can post in the forum you will need to register by clicking on the "register" link on the forum screen (see below).
Then either go to the forum or click here to start the registration process.
Read (?!) and accept the agreement to go to the registration page.
Choose a name (preferably one that others can recognise as being you), a password of your own choice (enter it twice) and do the spelling test (it's something that is necessary to keep the spambots from automatically generating lots of spammer members) and click on register. There's an option to allow other members to email you which is potentially useful as a way to restore links with old colleagues. User names and passwords are not preassigned and only one person can have a particular user name, so it's first come, first served.
Once you have registered watch out for an email with a confirmation link (check you spam box if not received within a few minutes). Click on the link in the email to complete the registration process.
The webmaster will be notified that you have joined and, if you have paid a subscription, will move you to the paid-up members category so you can access additional forum content.
If you have forgotten your password then type anything in and you will be taken to a screen which includes a link for a forgotten password. If you have forgotten your user name then contact the webmaster.